Aus-TCOLE#3286 Eyewitness/ Evidence ID
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations within 5 days of registering are 100% refundable, unless the following restrictions apply: Due to limited seating, we request that you cancel at least 5 days before a scheduled class begins. This gives others the opportunity to register for the class. If you have to cancel your class, and do so at least 5 days before the class, you may use the credit towards any future class. At any time after registering, or within 5 days of the course, you may transfer the registration to another person.
Contact Details
Menger Public Safety, La Calma Drive, Austin, TX, USA
(800) 489-8190
© 2021-2023 by Menger Training Group, LLC a Menger USA, INC Company.
Menger Public Safety Training is a contract training provider
for the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE).
Various training is may also be provided or reported to other certification authorities through our partnerships with: